Learn Front End Development With Vue JS 2 - 2019
Everything you need to develop your own Web Apps.
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Vue JS is the hottest framework in the market. Developers are jumping ships from React and Angular to learn Vue JS.
Already overtaking React in terms of Github Stars, Vue is more than giving the giants like React and Angular a run for their money. With each year, Vue gets more and more popular and the adoption rate keeps going through the roof.
If you are beginner developer who is planning on learning Vue JS. This is the perfect time for learn the framework.
This course does not require you to know React nor Angular, and I guarantee you that you will learn it way quickly than you can learn any of the other two frameworks.
Why This Course?
This is the perfect course for any beginner stepping into the territory of Vue JS
Inside the course we cover -
- Front- End Framework Fundamentals
- Virtual DOM
- Vue Instance
- Vue CDN
- Data Properties
- Vue CLI
- Method Properties
- Computed Properties
- Data Binding
- Two- Way Data Binding
- Events
- Event Modifiers
- Mouse and Keyboard Events
- Watch Properties
- Components
- Conditional Rendering
- Props
- Custom Events
- Looping the template
- Life Cycle Hooks
- Mixins
- Vue - Router
- Dynamic Navigation
- Programatic Navigation
- How to look for Jobs with Vue JS
We cover all these topics with detailed practical examples that can help you while building your own Web - App using Vue JS.
Who is this course for?
- This Course is for Everyone interested in Frontend Development and Major JavaScript Frameworks
- This Course is for you if you want to create Reactive Applications, which run in the Browser
Course Curriculum
Start06. Methods and Computed Properties (13:19)
Start07. Bonus - Computed Vs Methods (4:14)
Start08. Data Binding (8:43)
Start09. Two Way Data Binding (3:34)
Start10. Events - Introduction (3:08)
Start11. KeyBoard Events and Event Modifiers (7:03)
Start12. Mouse Events - Remastered (3:47)
Start13. Watch Properties (7:13)
Your Instructor
Passionate Front End Developer, responsible for developing and launching several globally scaled applications. Intertwining my passion to develop applications and create content to share my knowledge with the world.
Instructor Experience
As a self taught programmer, I can understand which topics students might want to stress into and how to make boring topics interesting using rich real-world examples.
I have created courses and published content for several startups and established companies. I feel its my responsibility as a developer to teach the stuff I know in much simpler and easier terms that can be easily understood by upcoming young developers.